
Be A Part Of Our Growing Team. As an Anit-A-Haul Driver or Helper you will be assigned to designated Agencies to cover region(s) or territory(s). These Agencies manage and maintain a team of qualified Drivers and Helpers to transport goods over the coverage area.

As a member of the Anit-A-Haul team, you will provide quality on-demand delivery of shipments. This process is managed through our Mobile-to-Mobile Fleet Management app. The efficiency of this app ensures we honor both our commitment to our customers for quick delivery and to you, our team members.


  • Enter your contact details on the form below and submit.
  • Anit-A-Haul will review your profile to confirm you meet the qualifications.
  • Your information, along with the details regarding the background verification, will be gathered and stored in a secure digital site.

Driver Application Form

Driver Questions

Yes, but only if all vehicles are registered and have insurance under the same owner.
Yes, based on the client’s request, you will need to assist in loading and unloading transported items.
Full coverage insurance is required as per each state requirements and an additional $250,000 Liability insurance protection in the name of Anit-A-Haul.
There are no upfront fees to register or to use Anit-A-Haul app.
1. A felony will be disqualifying 2. Driving under the influence of Alcohol or drugs. 3. Any combination of driving violation in a six month period.
Yes, displaying an Anit-A-Haul logo while providing a service is required.
Yes, only if all the drivers are registered on the Anit-A-Haul app and each having their own Anit-A-Haul drivers ID and are on the registration and insurance of the particular vehicle . If not Anit-A-Haul will not approve it. All drivers most have a valid registration and proof of insurance.
Anit-A-Haul drivers are paid based on the type of service offered.
When delivery is finished and the customer has submitted verification, that delivery will be considered completed. The funds will then be automatically deposited in the drivers account directly through the App.
Yes if the customer issues a tip for outstanding service. However, this must be done directly to the driver and not through the app.
All Anit-A-Haul drivers are independent contractors.
All drivers are independent contractors therefore, No, Anit-A-Haul does not provide advance for gas.
No, all drivers must have a $250,000 dollars liability insurance coverage in the name of Anit-A-Haul in order to cover those incidents.
The drivers are responsible if the cargo is damaged due to negligence and not properly securing the load. If the load is damaged due to manufacturer defects, the driver in all cases must take pictures of the item prior to and after delivery of any cargo to preclude damage allegations.
Drivers must report all accidents by calling their appropriate customer service office and 911, turn on hazard light, place cone around the vehicle and provide the officers with all the required documents requested.
Notify the appropriate customer service office and the client to whom the service is being provided via the app.
Drivers are responsible for all tolls during their delivery of service.
Drivers are required to dress appropriately to represent the company in a professional manner (clean and not rip clothing).
Every criminal background check is evaluated. Anit-A-Haul reserves the right to deny the use of (AH) app to anyone.
Anit-A-Haul is a technology company that facilitates the movement of goods and services by providing transportation professionals to customers in a seamless online delivery.
Register by filling out our online application in addition the following documents are required 1. Picture of your driver’s license. 2. Vehicle registration. 3. Insurance card. 4. Updated state inspection. 5. Picture of your vehicle. 6. Make of vehicle. 7. Model. 8. Year of vehicle
No clients will be charged by a credit card on file after delivery is completed via the app.
The Driver Mobile is a combination of map and alert based system with simple input forms to take Customer orders and complete mobility process.
The Driver Registration process involves a coordinated Digital Application and Screening process. The digital process continuously regulates the flow and availability of drivers and supports helper staff for the operation.
The Driver operation related payment is organized and managed digitally for regular payment to all participating drivers and helper staff.
The Anit-A-Haul supports a highly regulated and optimized scheduling, coordination, and alert system to coordinate diverse territories, fleets of vehicles, and staff. The System has regular messaging, chats, and options on the mobile app and on the website to regulate the operations.
Anit-A-Haul is continuously expanding activity and coverage in its operational territories. Currently, the AH operations are only available in selected markets in the USA.
Each Region/Territory is supported by drivers, helpers and customer service personnel and a fleet of vehicles digitally managed by the Anit-A-Haul Mobile Application.